The sea exist funny cat fish.
Let's tap and get rare fish over 300 types!
[How to Play]
Let's swipe your Fishhook to fish. If fish is hit, Let's tap rapid-fire and get rare fish cat!!
You will able to collection complete!
1. The bait (hook) in swipe, it is closer to the signs of fish.
2. A certain period of time continue to bring the food and signs of fish, signs of fish is spewing heart, to reach state!
3. Let pick up by tapping the screen Once you hit. If fish HP is zero, you can get fish!
4. After the exp is accumulated to the next sea area!
5. Power up the equipment Once the coin is accumulated! Let pick up fish gradually becomes a formidable enemy.
6. Gradually finished to go picture book character. Certification Award to the whole character Comp the character!
7. Let's challenge to the ranking. Once you become a first place in the day or weekly, permanent Hall of Fame!
[Shop Items]
1. LvUP Fishing rod ... tap damage rise of fishing rod!
2. LvUP Reel ... self-winding damage rise!
3. LvUP Thread ··· GREAT damage rise!
4. LvUP Fishhook ··· CRITICAL damage rise!
5. LvUP food ... suspend reward rise!
6. LvUP Magic ground bait ... not acquired character creature appearance of magic or if in battle, HP50% large damage!!(consumption items)
... Other than might item exists! ?
※If you can not defeat enemy in time.When you are ready,Plz tap "BOSS remach" Button In the upper right corner.
※ But given the damage without having to tap the signs of fish center directly, large damage in GREAT Once you tap directly, very large damage in CRITICAL Once you tap the needle tip!
※ Because of the self-winding, the catch in its own way and also be allowed. And also to go back if the coin get close the app!
※ signs of fish will escape occasionally. Rare degree it will run away as good as high. Discouraged not to re-challenge!
※ If it is not unlikely event registered heavy rankings, etc. at night, and if you keep sorry to trouble you, but to clear the stage, it is registered somewhere.
※ When the luck is good, "Plastic" and "angels" and "God" be AA appears! ?
Music by (50 japanese HIRAGANA order)
Devil soul like
Yuurabo 8bit sound studio like
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Manga cat fishing下载
Manga cat fishing
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