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Don't know Farkle yet? No problem. It's a very easy game to learn. The only thing you need to worry about is the question: do you dare continue, or is it better to just take what you have and simply walk away. At the beginning of each turns you roll 6 dice. After each throw, one or more scoring dice needs to be set aside. Then you may either end your turn, banking your accumulated score, or continue to throw the remaining dice. After you score all 6 dice, you have HOT DICE! and may continue with six new dice. Be careful though, throwing no scoring dice makes you FARKLE! and lose all points you've accumulated that turn. Once you accumulated 10k points, your opponent gets one last chance try to pass your score.


- Turn-based asynchronous multiplayer gameplay
- Race your opponent to the 10k mark or pass your opponent after he/she thinks they won!
- Customize your avatar, there are endless possibilities
- Locate friends and find random opponents to play
- Quickly invite your nemesis for a rematch
- Practice your skills against our robots (they never learned how to cheat!)
- Play several games at once and get notified when it's your turn to play
- Chat with your opponents
- Countless Game Center achievements
- A rating system leaderboard in Game Center

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‎Farkle 10k

