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'Kana Bimoji" is an application to train users how to improve their handwriting in Japanese.

Writing in Japanese is becoming more and more rare in our day-to-day life, but sometimes you might have to write something by hand. If you use this app everyday, you will be able to get comfortable and confident in your handwritten Japanese.

With Kana Bimoji, you can practice anywhere you like -- even if you only have a little time.

There are 46 hiragana and 46 katakana, and you see these every day in Japan.
The kana were created from Japanese characters, so understanding these basic rules will help you understand Kanji.

・Rates how you write
・Examples to copy
・You can track your progress through repetition!
・A score of 85 or up is considered "bimoji" (nice handwriting).
・Scores are presented in tables.

Improve your handwriting with Kana Bimoji!

‎写漂亮的日语字符 下载地址

