Harness Hero the video game engages players in the key decisions of using a fall arrest system. At each step in the game, the player chooses where to anchor, what anchorage device to use, how to set up the harness, what connection device to use, and so on. The player also inspects the equipment along the way for burns, rips, rust and other malfunctions. At the end of each play, the player encounters a fall, and depending on how well they did setting up their fall arrest system, the player will either witness a rescue or a severe injury or even a fatality. Harness Hero was developed under the guidance of safety professionals from all corners of the construction industry.
Start practicing proper fall arrest setup in a fun and safe way.
Harness Hero is a Simcoach Skill Arcade app. Explore careers, practice basic job skills and earn badges to gain exposure to careers and training opportunities in your area. To learn more about the Skill Arcade check out www.simcoachskillarcade.com
For more information on the development of the Harness Hero video game, visit: http://www.simcoachgames.com/harness-hero
Disclaimer: Harness Hero engages players in the key decisions of using a fall arrest system. The certificate issued in this game recognizes the player’s in-game performance and has no merit upon real life aptitude. For more information on fall prevention, visit: https://www.osha.gov/stopfalls/index.html
Privacy Policy: http://www.simcoachgames.com/privacy.html
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