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网友荒唐嫣评价说: 考考美国总统的司机去!。只有俯视视角,撞了也发现不了。至少要有跟踪视角和驾驶员视角吧!倒是挺难,不是画质没人想玩。希望不是箭头,加上油门刹车和手刹更好了…

网友你细品你细品评价说: 我是真的服了这款游戏了。这款游戏虽然很好玩,可是难度太高了,不是停车位太小,就是路太窄

网友LaiWingKin评价说: 漏洞。第九关有漏洞,车在地图外过不去,第二大关公路的广告卡住过不去

Parking Challenge 3D brings you two game modes in 3D perspective view.

Drive and park 4 different vehicles from a standard saloon to a large bus with realistic physics, through turns and bends without bumping into objects and pavement.

If you fancy something even more challenging then try the Xtreme 4x4 mode. There is no road, The goal is to get the 4x4 Jeep from the start point to finish without falling off, see if you have the nerves to try.

4 control options to choose from:
- Joystick
- Tilt control
- Rotating Steering
- Steer buttons

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