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网友太邋遢,sj评价说: 很难。有点难,但是很好玩

网友)435537904272621169;!??评价说: 关卡。好玩,我全通关了,只不过希望关卡多一点

网友九二年的垃圾桶评价说: 矢量跑酷。很好玩,但是关卡太少了

Your vector agent has stolen the free runner vector suit!

The vector suits gives the agent special abilities which increase his free running and parkour moves.

Simply tap and swipe the screen to control the vector agent performing kick ass parkour moves and evade the traps with the ultimate vector exo skeleton. Master jumping, climbing, front flips, slides and more. Dodge lasers and droid security systems that will try to stop you.

This addictive new game is the best new free runner game on mobile. Superb graphics and a simple play system make this game addictive and add high replay value. Packed with tons for great levels and awesome challenges.

Urban ninja parkour arcade game at its best. Timing and split second reactions are key to control the vector suit in your escape from the evil masters. Take control of the agent and run for your life.

Download and experience this new and awesome free runner concept game now!

‎Vector Parkour 下载地址

