Call break is a addictive and popular card game of tricks, trumps and bidding which is played by four players. It seems to be related to the North American game Spades and Spade plus.,Call Break is very popular in Bangladesh , India and Nepal. This game is normally played using a standard international 52-card pack.
The cards of each suit rank from high to low A-K-Q-J-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2. Spades are permanent trumps: any card of the Spade suit beats any card of any other suit.
Deal and play are counter-clockwise.To succeed, a player must win the number of tricks called, or more trick than the call. If a player succeeds, the number called is added to his or her cumulative score. Otherwise the number called is subtracted. After the end of fifth or 13th of 20th round the winner is decided, player with higher total points is considered as the winner of the game.
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- Very fun and easy to play
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Call Break - Card Game下载
Call Break - Card Game
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