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网友来咯李玲评价说: 画风可爱,很好玩。密室里的东西都做的很可爱,逻辑感强,通关之后动物说要再来看他们哦,分分钟再玩一次,已经把厂商的所有密室逃脱游戏都下载啦,还没玩,很期待

网友yh0610评价说: 很喜欢,画风精致且不是恐怖风~。最近很喜欢密室游戏,但很多都有点恐怖,画面也粗糙,而且常见到拙劣的数字游戏,然而这个就不会~有难度但细心点就能通关,画面也美~

网友施星际评价说: 很精致的小游戏。日式和风很喜欢,游戏也不难,稍稍观察思考就可以。而且里面的各种小玩具都非常可爱呜呜。

You are sent to a room which looks like japanese style.
Use items and hints to escape form a room.

Tap on the screen to find items to help you escape from the room.

※Auto-save Feature

How to play

-Item select
Tap item box to select.

-Item detail
While selecting a item, tap again to expand item image on a dialog.
Tap an item image on a dialog, you can check different view of the item.

-Item combine
Some items are able to combine.
1.Select an item and tap again to open a dialog.
2.Select an item which you want to combine.
3.Tap an item image on a dialog to combine.

-Item dismantle
Some items are able to dismantle.
1.Select an item and tap again to open dialog.
2.Tap an item image on a dialog to change the image.
3.Tap again to dismantle item.

Pocket Sound ( http://pocket-se.info/ )
SoundEffect Lab ( http://soundeffect-lab.info/ )

‎Wappoi Room Escape 下载地址

