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网友cjfaafhfdsarjjsa评价说: 彩虹6号必备学习宝典。感动痛哭流涕 这游戏不记地图根本没法玩

网友书虫虫子评价说: 太棒了。萌新必备,记图神器!对我来说简直就是雪中送炭!感谢这位用心的开发者!

网友xwntony评价说: 厉害了。彩虹新手必备,支持推荐,希望出中文版

Tactical and strategic gaming require excellent map knowledge in order to gain competitive advantage over the enemy. With Team Tactics Tool you'll be able to create custom map packs to strategize and share your best tactics amongst your team.

- Import custom map images with support for multiple floors and layers
- Draw on maps and place custom icons using the battle planner
- Export and import custom map packs with members of the community

‎Team Tactics Tool 下载地址

