Explore the creative side of coding with hands-on music-making!
In Osmo’s Coding Jam, kids arrange physical coding blocks into patterns and sequences to compose original tunes. The game comes with over 300 musical sounds to produce the perfect song.
Kids can safely record and share their music with friends, family and the Jam community.
“a STEAM-based experience that promotes creative problem-solving.”
- VentureBeat
“Osmo Coding Jam teaches children coding with music”
- Forbes
About Osmo Coding Jam:
1. CREATE: Kids 5-12 use coding blocks to create explosive beats.
2. LEARN: Kids get to know coding’s creative side while developing an ear for rhythm, melody, and harmony.
3. SHARE: Once they’ve composed a jam, kids can safely share it with friends, family and the jam community.
Learn with our hands-on coding language:
Research shows that tangible blocks are a game changer when it comes to helping kids learn. Each of our blocks is a programming command kids can use to create unique jams. As they explore playing with coding blocks, the volume of fun — and learning — gets turned up!
* Requires the Osmo Base and Coding Blocks. Each sold separately or as part of Osmo Coding Starter Kit or Osmo Coding Family Bundle.
* Compatible with most iPads and select iPhones. Please see our device compatibility list here: https://support.playosmo.com/hc/articles/115010156067
About Osmo
Osmo is using the screen to create a new healthy, hands-on learning experience that promotes creativity, problem-solving and social interaction. We do this with our reflective artificial intelligent technology.
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Osmo Coding Jam
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