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This game is based on a player running along and the platforms are far apart and he has to avoid jumping down. There are 2 kind of power ups , first kind give you extra points (red gem), and the other gives you a healthy walk (no spikes, blue gem). But be aware of the spikes!! For they can make you lose too. You can double jump by tapping two times and if you hold it will do a long jump.

And this game is made by Hevar Hemin.

There is the game, main menu, help, and instructions tab. In the -help- tab you will find all you need to know about this game. And in the About tab is some information about the app. And the main menu has the buttons “About” and “Help” and “Play”.

So get this game and start running with Dara!!

‎Dara Run 下载地址

‎Dara Run

