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Our online presence is growing, making Cyber Security awareness more important. As new technologies emerge, cyber criminals also develop new ways to target individuals' and companies' data. Staying safe online isn’t just a slogan anymore, it’s a necessity. To encourage UNSW students to be more aware of their actions online, UNSW has built this app to further increase awareness of common Cyber Security threats and counter measures that can be taken.

A.L.I.C.E is a retro style 2D platform side scrolling game, with enemies to zap, puzzles to solve, and an overall learning experience.

Players choose their avatar, and the game begins with your identity being stolen. The player journeys through 5 levels, faces numerous cyber threats, and uses their wits to solve cyber puzzles. A friendly A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) will help the player through the game, and provide tips and hints on how to defeat the final Cyber Threat boss, to retrieve their identity back.

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