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网友Eva billy评价说: 一款很好玩的小游戏。很日式的小游戏,很好玩很魔性

网友Shuangliang--1219评价说: 很魔性的音游。本游戏是Ludum Dare 第40届主题为“the more you have,the worse it is”72小时组排第一的游戏。倒是蛮符合游戏主题的(拥有越多越糟糕)到后面的关卡节奏超快,一不留神就流血了,很好评。

网友503453评价说: 有毒。unity的音游不是盖的

Samurai Shaver is a rhythm game that follows the quest of a lonely samurai warrior. Your mission – to cleanse the land of unwanted body hair.

Watch the rhythm and slice hairs to the beat!

Samurai Shaver was developed by DDRKirby(ISQ) and Kat Jia, under the Cocoa Moss label. It was originally developed in 72 hours as an entry for round 40 of the Ludum Dare game jam.

Download the soundtrack for free!
Volume 1: https://goo.gl/ud4HwH
Volume 2: https://goo.gl/bWvvKy

‎Samurai Shaver 下载地址

