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Rail Baron, the game of Building Railroad Empires, is an entertaining strategy game, where you are a Railroad mogul, buying up Rail Lines across America, attempting to become the ultimate Rail Baron. The game is a lot of fun to play, with the only frustration being, the time that it takes to look up information (Destinations, Payoffs, etc.) on the provided charts; which really slows down the game.

Rail Baron Tools is a Rail Baron reference app that takes the drudgery out of this, by allowing you to quickly look up the data you need, and helping you to optimize your decision-making and strategies. Rail Baron Tools does not replace the game (i.e. you still play on the game board, using the actual playing pieces, money, dice, etc.), but is meant to enhance it. The app provides data based on the 1977 edition Game published by The Avalon Hill Game Co.


- Look up your destination Region based on a Dice Roll
- Look up your destination City based on a Dice Roll
- Look up a Payoff for completing a Destination
- Look up a Payoff between any two Cities
- Use an optional scaling factor, when calculating Payoffs
- Store Player information including Name and Home City
- View detailed Region information, including odds of rolling the Region
- View detailed City information, including odds of rolling the City
- View detailed Railroad information, including Price, Cities along the Railroad, and odds of rolling a City on the Railroad

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