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网友54deathangel评价说: 又是假限免。有广告,太差劲了

网友耶稣时候评价说: 付费还有广告?。底部有广告,这也太离谱了,免费就算了,付费还有广告?

Paint the tiles to make matches and clear the board.

The game starts simple, you are given three colors to paint tiles with. As you gain the skills necessary to solve increasingly challenging puzzles you're faced with new mechanics - dissolving ground, bombs, rainbow tiles, all of which make you think in new and interesting ways. Paintiles is a must for puzzle lovers!

● Easy to learn, hard to master

● Color-blind friendly

● 60 handcrafted levels

● Zen mode for an endless amount of stress-free puzzles

I hope you enjoy playing!

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