This is the very first 3-Dimensional Multiplayer Augmented Reality Tic-Tac-Toe game on the AppStore!
This game takes the simplicity of Tic-Tac-Toe, whose rules everybody knows well and takes it to the next level...
You will play on a 3 by 3 by 3 cube and therefore have over 36 different possibilities to make one row. Choose wisely!
The rules are the same as for regular 2D Tic-Tac-Toe, you make a row, you get a point.
Also coming new in version 2.0 is Anti-TicTacToe, a new game mode where you try to 'force' your opponent to get a row or try to work together to gain some GameCenter achievements.
Using newest ARKit 2.0 technologies, it is possible to share this fun experience with friends around you, making this game playable with up to 4 players and 4 more spectators at the same time!
Every player, instead of being limited to a symbol like "X" or "O" can choose one of 6 different, bright colors and of course her or his own username.
Furthermore, there is great background music. For each player there is a music key and each time a player hits a block, a tone from the pentatonic scale of exactly this key is played.
Making it fun to listen to, while playing. ^-^
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