As the Captain of a new human settlement on Planet Braxos, shape the future of a new civilization while developing ethical reasoning skills. Quandary, the award-winning, nonprofit learning game, has landed on your mobile phone!
Players find themselves immersed in a rich science-fiction narrative with a diverse set of characters and differing perspectives. When confronted by conflict, you must explore the many facts, solutions, and opinions to come up with solutions on the colony's behalf.
Quandary is perfect for youth, ages 8-16, but people of all ages will enjoy this game.
Working closely with educators and students, we've created a truly playful experience that maps to the Common Core State Standards. The game aims to develop skills that help children recognize ethical issues and deal with ethical situations in their own lives:
• Critical thinking
• Perspective-taking
• Empathy
• Decision-making
• Problem solving
• Moral reasoning
• Reading
• Writing
• Social and Emotional Learning
• Communication
• Collaboration
• Global awareness
At the dawn of a new society…how will you decide?
Scot Osterweil, creator of the classic educational Zoombinis games and research director at the MIT Education Arcade, shepherded his team at Learning Games Network to refine the Quandary concept originally prototyped by child development and learning experts at Harvard and Tufts University. Technical and graphic production was managed by FableVision, an award-winning storytelling digital media production and learning company.
The browser version of Quandary is an award-winning title, having won the Game of the Year at the 2013 Games for Change Festival, 2018 Common Sense Education’s Top Picks for Learning award, the Silver Medal in Education at the 2013 Serious Play Awards, and Most Meaningful Game at the 2012 Meaningful Play Awards.
• Four playable episodes, with 12 animated and voiced characters that include Granik the Construction Chief, Paskit the Computer Expert, and Yau the Historian.
• Digital comics introduce each episode, as well as the wider universe of Quandary.
• Voice and text options for comics and character reactions.
• A focus on minimal instruction, encouraging the player to explore the possibilities and reflect on their own choices.
• Account creation for saving your progress.
• An app-exclusive character generator, which allows players 13 and older to create their own colonists with unique opinions.
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