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Author a story with friends.

Make wagers on your life goals, world events, or whether Ms. Magdrisenlarken lets her dog defecate on your yard today.

Architect a metropolis, weave a web of intrigue, cultivate a splendid culture in a land far away, in the future, from the past, in a parallel present, a far-flung fantasy.

Do you want Betty Beebop to banish the blithering Banisters? Then eat your brocolli every day this week as you promised and may your wish be granted!

Do you need more motivation to learn guitar? You make the rules! Sam Golfinker only gets his charm if you play your guitar for atleast an hour this week.

Need I continue?...Jim Janoskyvich loses his keys if you eat one of those delicious donuts at work again.

Have fun!

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