A game inspired by Into the Breach and Baba is You in which you push enemy robots into water by moving the earth beneath your feet!
Push tiles by tapping an adjacent tile in your desired direction. When you do, your tile pushes every other solid (non-water) tile in front of you in that direction. You cannot, however, push toward a mountain tile.
Whenever you move, each enemy's action timer decreases by one. When it reaches zero, they attack the endangered space(s) in front of them. Destroy enemies or tiles by pushing them off of the edge or into chasms. Destroy all enemies without dying to complete the level!
Created by Munro Hoberman and Lionel Miele-Herndon
Music by Antti Luode
Thanks to Gravity Sounds for some sound effects
Special Thanks to Kurt Bieg, Henry Lam, and the rest of our playtesters and classmates.
Android 挖财记账v11.48.0 去广告版下载后内详生活相关
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