Key Features
- 7 Cubes with different settings as starting point for your Session
- Interactive, quantized Loop-Machine within the Cube-Cell
- 7 Instruments with sequenced based note input, envelope, filter & effects
- 4 different synth, 2 drum sequencers, 1 sampler with slice, granular & pitch shift mode
- Sample library with user file integration
- Cross-Instrument key interface to define chords & scales
- Main FX Interface to perform a Snapshot playlist incl. Echo, Reverb, Reverser, Note Envelope & Flanger
- Snapshot principle: keeps track of the recorded loop
- Snapshot list can be used like a playlist of the different loops
- Save Session to save the Snapshot list
- Interactive Cube-Cell navigation to switch from one Cell to another & change the musical perspective in key, tempo & pitch
- Snapshot Cloud: Load your snapshot into a 3D cloud defined by the characteristics of mood, energy and texture
- Interactive cloud navigation and Snapshot filtering by author, key & tempo
- Snapshot Mutation Interface to merge two Snapshot and create infinite new perspectives
- Audio Record as .wav file
- Ableton Link
- Audiobus & Inter-App Audio (experimental)
- Setup Menu to define graphic and sound quality setting
- Main zoom to customize the general size of the interface
- In-App Guide
Mazetools Mutant lets you make music in loops. On a square surface you play synths, drums, sampler, sequencer, filters and effects. Together, all the instruments form the Hypercube. Hyper- What?. The Hypercube is a space that changes your music multiperspectively....
The principle
Think of a record player, play the vinyl from 33 to 45 and everything sounds higher and faster. Conversely from 45 to 33 everything sounds slower and lower. It remains the same song, only the conditions are changed. Mutant works in a similar way. You play in a beat loop, then turn the Hypercube and hear everything from new perspectives.
According to this principle, new ideas and results emerge in the musical process. These don't have to reach perfection. Mutant stands for experimenting, making loops and exploring sound, it's the session, the moment and an audio recording that counts.
From Snapshots to Cloud Mutation
To capture the loops you've created, take a snapshot - an anchor point with all the instruments that you can always return to.
Load your snapshot into the cloud and locate it in three dimensions with Mood, Energy & Structure. If you then select another snapshot, it will be mutated in certain ways and many new perspectives will emerge.
Play together
In Collaboration Mode, two Mutant users can make music together via local network. All inputs are transmitted live and the people each play instruments or effects.
App information
We do our best to avoid bugs, often enough they drive us crazy or were disappointed when a moment was lost. But at some point it has to go out and after the update before the update. So feel free to write us bugs and problems, definitely also if you made a song or video.
The cloud is offline, but technically designed to be part of an online cloud for own user data and content sharing in the future. It was created as part of the Mazetools Assist research project. You can read more about it at
Mutant requires the microphone for audio recording, the local files to store projects and recordings, and the network for Collab Mode and Ableton Link.
Much more content, terms of use, credits and FAQ are in the app in the Guide and can be found in the app's Start-Up menu.
About Mazetools
Empowering creativity, democratizing musical expression and making it inclusive - how does that work? These are the questions that keep us busy. Mutant is a further step in the process, alongside Soniface, and provides important points of contact through the multitouch-based loop principle, the change of perspective and the cloud. But we want to go further - with you and the community.
Have a good time with Mutant,
Stephan & Jakob
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