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The Unofficial Scorecard For Black Card Games!

Looking for a simple quick way to track player's scores while playing your favourite black card games? This purpose-built scorecard app will track the scores of each player and the number of rounds.

Specifically designed for black card games to be simple-to-use so you can quickly increase a player's score while in the middle of a round.

Perfect for isolation, game nights or any score based card game. The app can also be used as a scorecard for board games or even sports.

- Perfect for isolation, game nights or any score based card games
- Prevent arguments over scores
- End rounds at anytime
- Add new players during a round
- Start a new round with existing players and reset their scores
- Remove a single player (swipe to delete)
- Remove all players and start a new game
- "Fat-finger" friendly with large buttons
- Available in Dark Mode

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