The tabletop roleplay adventure in the palm of your hand!
Think of Party Quest as a tabletop roleplay game without all the complexity. Instead of extensive rulebooks and intricate pre-written stories… we guide you through the process of creating your own story in a simple to use app. You can play anywhere you like, and be anyone you want. Can’t think of 6 people who can roleplay with you right now? Fine. Just join a game!
Games are quick. When it’s your turn you take the next action and move the story forward. The gamemaster sets the difficulty and you roll. With every roll is a chance to boost or reduce your skills. When all your skills are gone your character dies.
Whether you have never played a roleplay game before or you're a seasoned veteran wanting to test out a new story idea… dive into Party Quest and unleash your imagination!
- Asynchronous gameplay. When it's your turn you'll get a push notification. Your turn can be skipped by another player if you don't act in 3 hours.
- Build your character by selecting hair, eyes, mouth, armor, weapons, helmet... billions of combinations! No two characters will look the same!
- Play with other people online. Don't worry about whether you know anyone. Just find a game, create a character, and join a party!
- Battle monsters in your quest. As gamemaster, select from 14 (and counting) unique monsters that your players can battle to overcome.
- Realtime chat. Connect with other players through the party chat.
- React to other players actions by tapping their chat bubbles and adding a reaction.
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Party Quest下载
Party Quest下载
Party Quest
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