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Crossword app for iOS that is simple, free, and quick. Puzzles from major outlets are automatically fetched, so all you need to worry about is solving them!

Currently, these outlets are supported:
* Los Angeles Times
* The Wall Street Journal
* USA Today
* The Atlantic
* Newsday
* The New Yorker
* NYT Syndicated & Mini
* Universal Daily

In addition to using your keyboard for text entry, the solver includes features such as error highlighting, skipping over completed squares, skipping to the next clue, and many more customizable settings. The solver includes a timer, so that you can compete with your friends! There's lots of settings to personalize your solving experience. OmniCrosswords also comes with dark mode supported - it follows the system preferences or you can edit the setting yourself. There's also a statistics view where you can see your solving statistics over time.

Optional Setting: Games automatically sync between multiple devices with Game Center.

NEW: OmniCrosswords now supports uploading custom .puz files!

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