Unlimited fire power and wave after wave of enemy robot ships trying to destroy you. Shoot your and dodge your way through to the challenge levels. Then see if you can survive. If you do, the reward is extra backup battle ships to fight the good fight. Watch out for the stage bosses, their ion cannon really does some serious damage! Good thing you picked up those shields, you'll need them.
Note: If people like this game, I will continue working to add new features. Thank you.
3 Stages, 3 sections per stage with increasing waves of enemy ships, 2 challenge sections, and the final boss Battleship.
Strikers - Dive at you with speed and rapid fire.
Fighters - Attack in a diamond formation. Armed and armored.
Bombers - Fires a slow but powerful ion charge. Heavily armored ships.
Escorts - Organized, armored, and rapid firing. The elite enemy ships.
Cruisers - Basically a hunk of metal with a gun and an engine.
Destroyer - Heavily armored, dual rapid fire ion canons. Ships this big also come with a entourage of Escorts.
Battleship - Armor as strong as you've ever seen, armed with dual lasers and center of mass rapid fire ion canon. Good luck. Oh... and ships this big call their escorts, Cruisers.
Quick Shooter 2021下载
Quick Shooter 2021下载
Quick Shooter 2021
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