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It is a game to control Scarecrow and repel all the crows on the panel.

Scarecrow is Kakashi in Japanese.

Crow is Karasu in Japanese.

Shot the scarecrow at the crow and hit it out of the panel.

Swipe Scarecrow with finger to shoot.

Repel one crow with one shot.

Cannot shot if there are other crows or blocks on the way.

If repel all the crows, finished and proceed to the next stage.

The level goes up depending on the speed of clearing.

As the level goes up, the number of crows and blocks increases and the stage becomes complicated.

Can "Undo" and "Retry" as many times as like.

Clear all 10 stages, the total score will be registered on the leaderboard of the game center.

‎KakashiKarasu 下载地址

