Play against 8 of the best chess engines, including Stockfish 15 , Leela Chess Zero and Maia.
Discover a great interface for all platforms with custom boards and pieces, sounds and spoken moves.
A variety of opening books for all levels can help you improve your game.
You can customize your opponent's playing style by adjusting various options like engine strength, move time and increment, opening books variations.
Other features:
- highlights and hints for moves
- support for multiple opening books
- multiple notation styles
- play stats
- power saving
- icloud sync
- iPad split screen
Constant updates will bring more features. Discover the planned roadmap in settings.
Imperial Chess is available on iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple TV.
“Chess is life in miniature. Chess is a struggle, chess battles.”
– Garry Kasparov
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Imperial Chess下载
Imperial Chess下载
Imperial Chess
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跳一跳达人233.4 MB家庭聚会
找茬隐藏的物体之新家新的开始42.1 MB音乐
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I Am The Queen186.1 MB
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