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网友可乐星星评价说: 好玩。超推荐

网友calinber评价说: 这款非常有趣!。很巧妙

网友Carrinae评价说: 可爱又简单。简单

Escape from the room.
There is one way to escape.
The game will be saved automatically.
You can play the full game for free.

How to play:
1. Escape from the room by tapping the room.
2. On the list of items, you can tap an item and select it. Then, you can use the item you selected by tapping the room.
3. After selecting an item, you can tap the item again and search it in detail. At this time, you can use the other item for it or combine the other item with it.

無料効果音で遊ぼう! - https://taira-komori.jpn.org/
効果音ラボ - https://soundeffect-lab.info/
ぴぽや倉庫 - https://pipoya.net/sozai/
尾羽の小屋 - http://obane.tuzikaze.com/

‎Game Cafe Escape 下载地址

