Yam is a popular category type dice game in France.
It is a game where you use 5 dice to make a hand like poker and compete for points.
The player rolls the dice on his turn and arranges the hands of the specified combination.
At the end of 10 rounds, the player with the highest score wins.
At the beginning of his turn, the player presses the "ROLL" button and rolls five dice.
After that, press the dice that do not roll again to lock.
If you press the "ROLL" button again, the unlocked dice will be rolled again.
You can roll the dice up to 3 times, the first time and the second time.
Roll the dice three times or if you get a good hand in the middle, select a hand from the hand table and press the white square to record the score.
The score of the hand once recorded cannot be erased, so choose the hand carefully.
Also, you cannot pass without recording the score.
Even if the hand is not completed, you must select one of the hands and record it with 0 points.
When the score is recorded, it will be the next player's turn.
After 11 rounds, the game ends when all the squares on the hand table are filled.
Finally, the player with the highest score wins.
(List of hands)
A combination in which all 5 dice are equal.
The score is total of 5 dice + 40 points.
The combination of 5 dice rolls is 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
The score is total of 5 dice + 30 points.
Full House:
A combination with 3 dice equal and a combination with 2 dice equal.
The score is total of 5 dice + 20 points.
You can get the total score of 5 dice regardless of the combination.
However, if the total is less than low, you will not be able to score.
You can get the total score of 5 dice regardless of the combination.
However, if the total is high or higher, you will not be able to get points.
Any combination. The total value of the dice corresponding to the surfaces will be the score.
As an example, if the combination of dice is 1, 5, and 5, a score of 1 will be 1 point, and a score of 5 will be 10 points.
If you get 60 points or more in Num.1 ~ 6, 30 points will be added as a bonus.
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