Tail Gunner is an exciting shoot-em-up that places you in charge of the rear gun turret of a B17 Bomber in the skies over war-torn Europe in 1943.
Tail Gunner Reviewed!
Our big news is that Tail Gunner has received a review score of 9/10 on the iPhone App Review website. You can see the review by following the link below:
Tail Gunner is a tilt-controlled game that requires you to simply tilt the iPhone to look at an enemy and a screen touch to automatically target and shoot. It only takes minutes to learn and you'll be racking up high scores in no time at all.
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Tail gunner is rendered in 3D and uses an advanced Physics Engine so it is a very realistic experience. The game is designed to be played whenever you have a few minutes spare and can even be played one-handed.
Once you have started your chosen mission, you will have to defend yourself against the latest and most secret weapons the Luftwaffe can throw at you including secret rocket-powered manned missiles!
To complete your mission, you must fight off the enemy planes until you reach your intended target and the bomb aimer can do his job.
* "Intelli-tilt" Artificial Intelligence enemy targeting. It's like the iPhone is reading your mind
* 3D Graphics and stylish art-deco visuals
* Comprehensive training mission teaches you everything you need to know
* Very quick to learn, very hard to master gameplay
* Multiple enemy planes and flight modes
* High score recording for every mission
* 4 missions to choose from
* Dramatic orchestral music
* Exciting sound effects
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Tail Gunner Lite
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