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网友xfxx评价说: 挺好。打发时间还不错,挺好玩的。

网友专家titian评价说: it is so good game.。very funny!

网友思危宝宝评价说: 好玩。很有意思

A classic fast-paced line drawing game. Use your finger to plot flight paths for you squadron of A.C.E.S. and clear the skies of enemy planes!

* The game features three challenging missions, powerful airplanes to unlock, and boss battles!

* Use your Game Center account to participate in global leaderboards and compare scores with your friends.

Start your propellers, Ladies and Gentlemen, and take control of the skies!

---------- HINTS ----------

- Double tap your planes for a short speed boost!

- End a flight path right on the tail of an enemy plane to follow that plane. Your own fighter will then try to close in and get in a good firing position. Watch your angle, though! Your pilot can't lock on a target if you don't approach it from behind!

- You can deploy newly unlocked planes in the profile screen. You always start a stage with Spades and Diamonds. Clubs and Hearts will join the fray after a while.

‎A.C.E.S. 下载地址


