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A1 Spelling App is an easy to use engaging app that help kids learn common spellings. The kids see a picture and hear the word and then type the spelling using the on screen key pad.

Over 150 words in 6 different categories.

'Spell-It' Tapping on the button will spell the word, kids listen to it and learn how to spell it. The best way to memorize the spelling is listening to it. Great feature, along with Help, see next.

'Help' hides the unneeded alphabets on the keyboard, so the kids only sees the alphabet that makes the spelling. That way they know what letters make the word and they start trying to put them together, great feature to start building that initial confidence.

'Say-It' says the word out loud. Though the pictures are cool, but what if the kid doesn't know what the picture stands for.

Really the application thats needed to master these 150 words.

Remember repetition helps to memorize these words, so more the kids use the app the better they start to get with these words.

Kids get early exposure to, easy spellings like car, dog, cat to tough ones like zebra, pizza, truck, onion etc.

Each category starts with easy words and move towards difficult ones. The 'Other' category has the most common words that the kids must know and has the most words among all the category.

Simple and easy to use App, allows small kids to engage in learning activity without much parents involvement.

Remember to help your kids become good readers...

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