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100! Maybe you play it at school, maybe you play it in your spare time at the office, filling dozen of sheets. It is one of the most popular games, which you can always carry around with you; because when you start you can’t stop; because getting to the end becomes an obsession; because finishing before your friends is a must. Now you can play it anytime, anywhere.
The game is simple, but finishing is very difficult.

in Full Version no Ads! Search 100!


... published in the App Store a few hours ago and is about to become very soon a best seller!
... the pastime that has involved many generations of students, teachers, office rats!
Sounds easy ... but ... it is not! In fact, behind the game there are a few mathematical rules that is better ... one of the most popular pastimes for young and old
... one thing we really like is the implementation of the Game Center. In fact, with your account, you can measure yourself with your friends, colleagues ... with the world! Only one will be the most clever and everyone must respect the rules, no exceptions!
--- applemobile. it

... do not even know a person who has managed to fill 100 boxes (apart from me once, but I do not remember how I did it) without using special patterns out on the web.
... I did it in high school 15 years ago and I kept the piece of paper with the game fixed.
... Awesome! the setting style school desk I like a mess!
--- your comments on iphoneitalia.com


you start with a 10 × 10 squared paper, each box is filled with numbers in progression from 1 to 100 respecting the rule of a number and two empty boxes in vertical or horizontal, or a number and an empty square diagonally (no more move... end game).
but it is not! is tremendously difficult to get to 100!
In Italy is a classic! everyone knows it.
attention! when you start you will not stop! ;)

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