网友猫儿子评价说: 当你触摸到屏幕上键盘的那一刻,什么烦恼都消失了!。当你触摸到屏幕上键盘的那一刻,什么烦恼都消失了!
网友Oingi评价说: 非常完美。画面温馨,音乐动人。很不错!限免更棒!
网友肥皂桶评价说: 非常有趣。可惜编好的曲子不能保存啊,小郁闷
Featured in AppsGoneFree, AppShopper, AppAdvice and other websites.
LoopsequeKids is created by Casual Underground lab, with love to all young musicians. This is the first step into magical world of music and adventures.
With LoopsequeKids you don't need a beat high-score or reach 10000 level in 5 seconds. You meet only peaceful locations and gentle sounds created for inspiration and fun.
The kid gradually learns the basics of the rhythm, and can appreciate the true value and beauty of the symmetry of music patterns on both audio-visual and tactile levels.
You will be surprised by your kid’s immersion into the world of wonderful colors, fairytale rhythms, and his own musical patterns.
LoopsequeKids is a musical constructor for the smallest composers. Any kid may realize his first musical ideas in a kind world, full of the magic sounds - alone or with other kids.
Casual Underground lab specializes on research & development in interactive performance area, combining entertaining conceptions with high requirements to usability, advanced technical solutions and wide social integration.
Check loopseque.com for more info about music applications for all ages.
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Loopseque Kids下载
Loopseque Kids下载
Loopseque Kids
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