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网友Obscurus Metus评价说: 还可以 十字军vs穆斯林的战鼓游戏 游戏介绍是西班牙语 不过还好进入游戏可以改为英语。还可以 十字军vs穆斯林的战鼓游戏 游戏介绍是西班牙语 不过还好进入游戏可以改为英语

'Timbaler' (translated as 'timpani player') is the first game based on the Spanish popular Moors and Christians festival.

Take the role of an expert percussionist and play the timpani following the rhythm of the music to set the pace of a Moors and Christians parade in a street full of people watching for your performance.

To get the highest score you must hit right in the moment when the maces go through the center of the timpani. The more precise are your hits, the higher is your score.

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