Deberc is one of the most widespread card games in the CIS region, and we suggest you should play it on your gadgets.
You can play it with your friends at any comfortable for you time, whenever you want!
Compete, develop your reputation among other players and become the best!
Game features:
real-time mode;
a big (1001) game, a small (501) game and dealing out cards;
high quality graphics and luscious music;
intuitive Interface;
Internet connection is required;
Game Center.
Number of players:
two, three or four people can play Deberc.
Range of cards:
Lay cards: ace, ten, king, queen, knave, nine, eight, seven.
Trump cards: knave, nine, ace, ten, king, queen, eight, seven.
The aim of the game:
In the game, consisting of some card dealings, to be the first who gets 501 or 1001 points.
tierce: three cads of the same suit in a row, for instance 7, 8, 9 (20 points).
Poltinnik (bullseye): four, five or six cards of the same suit in a row, for instance 7, 8, 9, 10 (50 points).
bella: trump marriage, i.e. trump king and trump queen (20 points).
deberc: seven trump cards in a row (the end of the game).
Dealing out cards:
The initiator of the game deals out cards first and passes the deck in a clockwise order for the next game.
In the game with the trump of the suit opened at dealing the cards any player having a trump seven can exchange it for the trump opened on the table.
Calling cards:
If players have card combinations then they call the high card in the combination and the combination. Only one player who has a higher combination and a card gets the points, others do not get any points.
The rules of range of rads are the following:
Any poltinnik (bullseye) is higher than tierce. When the combinations are equal the advantage has a higher card in the combination. When the combinations are equal the advantage has a trump combination. In case both combinations are not trump the combination is considered to be called by the player according to the order if dealing cards.
Bella cannot be called before the game starts: a player has a right to call it by saying “Bella”.
The Game:
In the course of the game players head tricks. The player sitting to the left leads his card first. The next player returns the pattern lead and puts his card on the card on the table, if without the suit – the trump, if without the suit and trump – any other card. The player whose card is higher takes the trick. There is one peculiarity. If the lead is made with a trump and the next player has a higher and a lower trump, he must lead a higher trump.
Calculation of points:
Players sump up the value of cards, contained in their tricks.
The value of cards:
seven, eight and nine (lay) – 0 points;
ace – 11 points;
ten – 10 points;
king – 4 points;
queen – 3 points;
knave (lay) – 2 points;
knave (trump) – 20 points;
nine (trump) – 14 points.
Last trick:
Bonuses for combinations and for the last trick (10 points) are added to the sum of card points.
Conditions of bonuses:
Points for triece and poltinnik (bullseye) are added if it took at least one even if empty card. Points for Bella are added in any case if it was called. The points got by players are written down in a table.
In any dealing the player who declared the trump must take the highest amount of points. If he does not, he gets Bide which is marked as “B” in the table, and his opponent gets the points. The bides are summed up and after the second bide every next bide subtracts 100 points from the general score of the player. In case of a rare situation of the so called “eggs”, when the opponents get the same amount of points,the player's points are written down separately (the so called hanging bide). The one of the opponents gets the points who in the next dealing gets more points.
A ski:
In the absence of a trick, a player gets “a ski” and minus 50 points from his general score.
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