A great product for Sudoku lovers. You get
- 1000 puzzles of 9x9
- 1000 puzzles of 16x16
- 10 puzzles of 25x25
- 10 puzzles of 36x36
- 10 puzzles of 49x49
All puzzles in Ultimate Sudoku are computer generated with our own-invented algorithm which is capable of generating puzzles of any dimension - even larger than 81x81. Every puzzle has a definite solution. As the puzzles are computer generated using randomization techniques, it is possible that a puzzle has more than one solution. The Validate action correctly validates every solution.
When you attempt a puzzle, the intermediate state of your work is automatically saved just the way it is done on paper. So take your own time in solving a puzzle.
Special Note: This product is not for those who want to learn how to solve a Sudoku puzzle. If you have ever solved Sudoku puzzles on paper, this is the game for you on your iPad. Just the way a paper puzzle does not help in solving itself, this game does not provide any hints. To make it truly difficult, even a rough pad is not provided. So if you are a genius in solving Sudoku puzzles, go ahead and you will enjoy this as much as your paper puzzles with the added convenience of electronic media.
游玩和学习。美国英语(美国的)36.8 MB
王者战神:烈火星辰150.2 MB动作
跳一跳达人233.4 MB家庭聚会
- 小编:
- 标签:
击杀怪物全部108.2 MB
别踩白块儿之全模式 - 音乐节奏达人12.5 MB音乐
哆啦A梦飞车2.1 GB竞速
100億匹のモナー29.4 MB
飞羽青春604.8 MB体育
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