Classic card game "Speed"!
"Speed" is, of cards in play
Issues a hand of cards as the order of the numbers leads,
This is the game to compete the speed at which your hand is eliminated.
* Speed is a game you play against two people.
* playing cards are divided into two sets of black (spades Club) Red (Heart Diamond)
Each player will use.
* Shuffle the cards, you can put in your hand 4 cards from the deck to each other.
* with the shout, and put a card into play from the deck to each other, the game will start.
* issue the card from your hand to lead in order of number of cards in play (reverse order also available).
* I will successively replenished from the deck When the hand is turned to 3 sheets or less.
* If you no longer put out the card into play with each other,
Anew each other to issue a card from the deck, you can re-partition.
* If you hand-pile is no longer in earlier wins!
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