Palace was the most popular study hall / cafeteria card game in my high school growing up in the 90's. According to Wikipedia it's also popular amongst backpackers, and as a result is widespread.
This version of palace is two player. There are eight different computer characters you can play against, each with slightly different playing styles. You can now also play multi-player with a friend.
1. Tap on cards to select/deselect. You can select one or more cards of the same kind. Click on the discard pile or use swipe gesture to discard selected cards.
2. Use the Undo button (top right of screen) to undo last move if you make a mistake.
3. Turn screen sideways to make view wider when you have a lot of cards in your hand.
Basic Rules:
Each player is dealt 3 'face down cards'. You are not allowed to see or change these until the end of the game. Next, 3 'face up cards' are placed on top. Finally, each player is dealt 3 cards to form their hand. If you wish, you can switch cards from your 'hand' with your 'face up cards'.";
Whoever has a 3 or the next lowest card starts the game.
Each turn you must discard a card (or two or more cards of the same) greater than or equal to the one at the top of the pick up pile, then draw cards from the deck so you have at least 3 cards in your hand (unless the deck has run out of cards or you already have 3 or more cards in you hand).
2's and 10's are wild cards. 2's resets the pile and 10's clear the pile. 4 of a kind, like a 10, clears the pile.
If don't have a card that is greater than or equal to the card on top of the pile or a wild card, you must pick up the entire pile.
When there are no more cards in your hand, and the deck is empty, proceed to play your face up cards. Once all of the face up cards have been played, play the face down cards.
If you are the first to get rid of all your cards you win.
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Palace Card Game下载
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Palace Card Game
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