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网友圣火采评价说: 这不是盗版。这游戏是之前暴力迪吧的前身老K参与过制作的

网友徐鎬锂评价说: 蛮不错。正传梗很多加油吧

网友13167365326评价说: 什么东西。最后一个根本过不去这个游戏是我惹根本不想让我通关呸什么垃圾玩意儿

This game is make for madness combat fan.
It have a old style graphic ,very hard and different control than another shooter game.

Somewhere in Nevada there is one man who is on a mission to track down and kill the sheriff. Things get really funky when it turns out the sheriff has some backup and its not going to be as easy as it seems.

How to play
- Move Blue circle in a left side of your phone to move your character
- Rotate Red circle in a right side of your phone to rotate your gun and beat zombie
- Hold Red circle to fire

* custom zombie style
* 67 weapons
* 16 maps with boss fight

‎Madness Combat 下载地址

