If you enjoy Sudoku you will love Hitori. Unlike Sudoku, all numbers are given in the grid. The objective is to eliminate numbers by filling in the squares such that remaining cells do not contain numbers that appear more than once in either a given row or column.
Filled-in cells cannot be horizontally or vertically adjacent, although they can be diagonally adjacent. The remaining un-filled cells must form a single component connected horizontally and vertically.
Real Hitori is a very elegant game, providing fabulous gameplay experience.
- Clean board, providing hours of pleasure gameplay;
- Handmade unique challenging games. All games and categories were designed to fit a 9x9 board without compromising quality and the need of zooming;
- No locked levels. Play whatever you want whenever you want;
- Autosave game. You don't need to worry if you don't have much time to play. It will automatically save all unfinished games;
- Simple menu context. Your game is just a few clicks away;
- No in app music. You can play while listening your own iPod library;
- High definition graphics for iPad, iPhone 4/4s/5/6 and iPod Touch;
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Real Hitori
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