Google云端硬盘APP官网,应用描述:立即开始免费使用 Google 云端硬盘,通过任何智能手机、平板电脑或计算机随时随地访问所有文件。系统会备份云端硬盘中的所有文件(如视频、照片和文档),确保其安全无虞,而您也不用担心资料丢失。此外,您还可以轻松邀请他人查看、编辑您的任何文件或文件夹,或加以评论。您可以在云端硬盘中执行以下操作:• 查看文档、PDF、照片、视频等。• 按名称和内容搜索文件。• 轻松与他人共享文件和文件夹。• 将共享权限设置为查看、评论或编辑权限。• 快速访问近期文件。• 查看文件详细信息和操作记录 。• 启用离线查看文件功能。Google 帐号用户可以获得 15GB 的免费存储空间(由 Google 云端硬盘、Gmail、Google 照片共用)。如要获得额外存储空间,您可以升级到付费版订阅方案。美国境内的订阅方案为 1.99 美元/月 (100GB) 起,各个地区的订阅方案可能会有所不同。 通过应用购买存储空间订阅后,系统会向您的 iTunes 帐号收取相应费用。除非您在当前订阅期结束前至少 24 小时关闭自动续订功能,否则系统会自动续订服务。您可以在购买订阅后转到 iTunes 帐号设置,管理订阅或自动续订设置。Google 隐私权政策 - 2022-04-06 - 收藏Google Earth卫星地图
i 圅 圆地球在线-卫星地图-Google Earth中文地标分享-Earth Online从卫星上鸟瞰地球,感受前所未有的视觉冲击。采用Google Earth Maps等开放接口技术构建,操作十分简便,鼠标点击即可轻松拖动、缩放地图画面。多源卫星地图与城市电子地图实时无缝切换,网上游历世界各地风景名胜,旅行景点地图地标在线分享。Earth Online-地图操作指南1.移动地图:在地图上按住鼠标左键拖动或点击地图左上方的方向图标移动。2.放大/缩小地图:双击地图上的某一点可以直接放大。也可以通过点击地图左上方的加减号或滑动杆来缩放。3.右上方“当前坐标”栏目动态显示的经纬度为当前地图画面中心点的经纬度。其中经度正数为东经,负数为西经,纬度正数为北纬,负数为南纬。4.地图画面右上角的三个按钮是用来切换地图显示模式的。从左至右分别代表“街道电子地图”,“纯卫星地图”和“有标注卫星地图”。请根据需求和喜好自行选择。5.分享地图:可以点击屏幕右上方的“与朋友分享当前地图”,系统会自动生成当前位置的网址链接,任何人通过这个链接都可以访问这个位置。6.地球在线子频道导航:地标搜索 中国地图 微软虚拟地球 3D视图频道 导航地图 地标分享 路线地图 公交换乘查询 音乐V 手机导航 - 2020-10-02 - 收藏Google Talk[美]
Google Talk欢迎使用Google Talk,这是一个由Google开发的可下载的聊天应用程序。了解Google Talk的功能:文本聊天即时消息:实时分享即时想法状态更新:查看是否有朋友在线以及他们在忙些什么文件传输:快速发送和接收文件、照片和其他内容语音聊天免费的远距离通话:对世界上任何地方的人进行个人计算机之间的呼叫音频会议:同时与多人交谈Gmail集成:与Gmail上的朋友聊天 - 2020-08-17 - 收藏Google Dance Tool
Google Dance ToolGoogle dance是指Google搜索引擎数据库每月一次的大规模升级。在升级期间,新的网页被加入,无效网页被删除,对收录网站进行全面深度检索,也可能在这期间调整算法。Goolge搜索结果显示出剧烈的排名波动,同时被索引网站的外部链接也获得更新。每个季度更新一次的网页级别(Page Rank)也发生在Google dance期间。Dance一般持续几天时间,Dance结束后,Google搜索结果和网站外部链接数量趋于稳定,直至下一个周期的Google dance到来。Google Dance 是Google定期更新它的索引的活动,给人感觉就像是跳舞一样。在这个Dance的过程中,Google所储存的索引都被重新更新,网站的排名会发生剧烈变化,有的网站在Google上的排名一夜之间消失,有的网站则名列首位。Google Dance通常在月末的那周开始,新结果在月初几天可以看到,大概是每36天一次或者一年10次。Google dance 是Google完善自己的算法、反对垃圾泛滥的努力。Google dance出现之后,使许多SEO从业者开始反思如何正确地使用技术来优化网站。只要你的网站没有作弊或者使用什么不好的技术,那就不怕Google Dance,所以,即使有一天你突然发现你的网站排名突然后退很多或者在Google上找不到了,也不要太担心,因为可能是Google在翩翩起舞。Google Dance Tool 顾名思义,是检测Google dance期间的关键词的google搜索排名情况。您也可以使用如下网址检测: Google servers to determine if there is an update in progress.The google dance tool is designed to help webmasters determing when the google dance has started and google is spidering the internet.The Google Dance Tool is provided as a tool to help you, the webmaster, determine when the Google search engine is spidering the internet. This is extremely useful if you want to know when your site(s) will rank in Google.The name Google Dance is a term used to describe the index update of the Google search engine. By using the Google Dance Tool below, you can easily determine if Google has started their monthly spidering of the internet. Type in a keyword you would like to search for and choose some of Google\'s data centers to perform the search query on. You will then see a page displaying the search results of all the Google data centers you have chosen. If any of the results between the different data centers contain discrepencies, then you know that Google has started to spider.We have also written a nice little script that is FREE for you to use that has deamed itself useful. With the use of the Google Web API, it is now possible to perform search queries on the Google search engine to find information concerning a variety of information. These include how many sites link to yours site, search results on any particular keyword, your site\'s ranking in Google, and much more.What Is A Google Dance?The name \"Google Dance\" is often used to describe the index update of the Google search engine. Google\'s index update occurs on average once per month. It can be identified by significant movement in search results and especially by Google\'s cache of all indexed pages reflecting the status of Google\'s last spidering. But the update does not proceed as a switch fro m one index to another at one point in time. In fact, it takes several days to complete the index update. During this period, the old and the new index alternate on At an early stage, the results fro m the new index occur sporadically. But later on, they appear more frequently. Google dances.Technical Background on GoogleThe Google search engine pulls its results fro m more than 10,000 servers which are simple Linux PCs that are used by Google for reasons of cost. Naturally, an index update cannot be proceeded on all those servers at the same time. One server after the other has to be updated with the new index.Many webmasters think that, during the Google Dance, Google is in some way able to control if a server with the new index or a server with an old index responds to a search query. But, since Google\'s index is inverse, this would be very complicated. As we will show below, there is no such control within the system. In fact, the reason for the Google Dance is Google\'s way of using the Domain Name System (DNS).Google Dance and DNSNot only Google\'s index is spread over more than 10,000 servers, but also these servers are, as of now, placed in eight different data centers. These data centers are mainly located in the US (i.e. Santa Clara, California and Herndon, Virginia), indeed, in June 2002 Google\'s first European data center in Zurich, Switzerland went online. Very likely, there are more data centers to come, which will perhaps be spread over the whole world. However, in January and April 2003 Google has put two data centers on stream which are again located in the US.In order to direct traffic to all these data centers, Google could thoeretically record all queries centrally and then send them to the data centers. But this would obviously be inefficient. In fact, each data center has its own IP address (numerical address on the internet) and the way these IP addresses are accessed is managed by the Domain Name System.Basically, the DNS works like this: On the Internet, data transfers always take place in-between IP addresses. The information about which domain resolves to which IP address is provided by the name servers of the DNS. When a user enters a domain into his browser, a locally configured name server gets him the IP address for that domain by contacting the name server which is responsible for that domain. (The DNS is structured hierarchically. Illustrating the whole process would go beyond the scope of this paper.) The IP address is then cached by the name server, so that it is not necessary to contact the responsible name server each time a connection is built up to a domain.The records for a domain at the responsible name server constitute for how long the record may be cached by a caching name server. This is the Time To Live (TTL) of a domain. As soon as the TTL expires, the caching name server has to fetch the record for a domain again fro m the responsible name server. Quite often, the TTL is set to one or more days. In contrast, the Time To Live of the domain is only five minutes. So, a name server may only cache Google\'s IP address for five minutes and has then to look up the IP address again. Each time, Google\'s name server is contacted, it sends back the IP address of only one data center. In this way, Google queries are always directed to different data centers by changing DNS records. On the one hand, the DNS records may be based on the load of the single data centers. In this way, Google would conduct a simple form of load balancing by its use of the DNS. On the other hand, the geographical location of a caching name server may influence how often it receives the single data centers\' IP addresses. So, the distance for data transmissions can be reduced. In order to show the DNS records of the domain, we present them here by the example of one caching name server.How data centers, DNS and Google Dance are related, is easily answered. During the Google Dance, the data centers do not receive the new index at the same time. In fact, the new index is transferred to one data center after the other. When a user queries Google during the Google Dance, he may get the results fro m a data center which still has the old index at one point im time and fro m a data center which has the new index a few minutes later. From the users perspective, the index update took place within some minutes. But of course, this procedure may reverse, so that Google switches seemingly between the old and the new index.The Google Dance Test Domains www2 & www3The beginning of a Google Dance can always be watched at the test domains and Those domains normally have stable DNS records which make the domains resolve to only one (often the same) IP address. Before the Google Dance begins, at least one of the test domains is assigned the IP address of the data center that receives the new index first.Building up a completely new index once per month can cause quite some trouble. After all, Google has to spider some billion documents an then to process many TeraBytes of data. Therefore, testing the new index is inevitable. Of course, the folks at Google don\'t need the test domains themselves. Most certainly, they have many options to check a new index internally, but they do not have a lot of time to conduct the tests.So, the reason for having www2 and www3 is rather to show the new index to webmasters which are interested in their upcoming rankings. Many of these webmasters discuss the new index at the Google forums out on the web. These discussions can be observed by Google employees. At that time, the general public cannot see the new index yet, because the DNS records for normally do not point to the IP address of the data center that is updated first when the update begins.As soon as Google\'s test community of forums members does not find any severe malfunctions caused by the new index, Google\'s DNS records are ready to make resolve the the data center that is updated first. This is the time when the Google Dance begins. But if severe malfunctions become obvious during this test phase, there is still the possibility to cancel the update at the other data centers. The domain would not resolve to the data center which has the flawed index and the general public could not take any notice about it. In this case, the index could be rebuilt or the web could be spidered again.So, the search results which are to be seen on and will always appear on later on, as long as there is a regular index update. However, there may be minor fluctuations. On the one hand, the index at one data center never absolutely equals the index at another data center. We can easily check this by watching the number of results for the same query at the data center domains listed above, which often differ fro m each other. On the other hand, it is often assumed that the iterative PageRank calculation is not finished yet, when the Google Dance begins so that preliminary values exert influence on rankings at that point in time. Google Dance相关背景佛罗里达风暴和奥斯汀风暴2003年11月上旬Google开始的对排名算法的剧烈更新。这个更新,犹如飓风,一夜之间让千万个网站从搜索引擎中消失或者从前10名降级到100页以后,使很多网站在即将到来的圣诞节购物黄金季节失去大量的客源。因为,Google的这次更新是以位于佛罗里达的Google数据中心为主的,因此称为“佛罗里达风暴”。佛罗里达风暴之后不久,也就是2004年的一月,Google又进行了一次巨大的算法更新。因为这次更新是从位于得克萨斯州的奥斯汀(Austin)的Google数据中心开始的,所以这次更新被冠以“奥斯汀风暴”。奥斯汀风暴被看作是佛罗里达风暴的余震。 - 2020-08-03 - 收藏Google免费网站平台首页
Google 免 费 网 站 平 台考虑建立网站?Google 网站 这项免费服务,可让您轻松制作并分享网页。 轻松创建内容丰富的网页收集所有信息到一个地方控制哪些人可进行查看和修改操作 Google 协作平台可让您轻松地创建和共享论坛网站 开始使用 一键式页面创建 不需要 HTML 文件 可自定义的外观和风格 访问和共享信息的设置 这是免费的服务! 示例站点 - Google 协作平台功能强大,足够支持公司内网,而且由于其简单易用,也适用于家庭网站。 滑雪俱乐部 团队项目 公司内网 教室 播放组 家庭网站 在公司范围内启用Google 协作平台应用示例: 企业应用专业版使用 Google 企业应用专业版获取 Google 协作平台的详细信息: Google 协作平台的存储空间为 10 GB,每个 Google 企业应用专业版用户帐户还额外有 500 MB 的存储空间 管理 Google 协作平台在您业务中的共享设置 在您的公司内轻松发布 Google 协作平台 Google 企业应用专业版还包括以下功能: Gmail:每个帐户有 25 GB 的电子邮件存储空间,并且具有强大的垃圾邮件过滤功能 Google 日历:可共享的日历 Google 文档:多人实时文档编辑 Google Talk:免费语音通话和文本消息传输 马上登陆谷歌免费网站平台首页,轻松搭建你的站点吧! - 2020-08-03 - 收藏Google网站导航
Google 网 站 导 航Google网站导航利用最常被搜索的项目作分类,提供每个分类的热门网站链接。Google网站导航温馨提示:尊敬的用户:由于265导航已经正式成为谷歌中国提供的服务,网站导航服务将逐步与265导航合并,敬请注意。 Google网站导航快捷导航服务由百万站会员精心整理提供,网站评分为41。截至目前为止,Google网站导航在百万站的浏览总次数是9877,其中有11名网友极力推荐了该网站。总的来说,Google网站导航是一家早期的网址导航(网址之家)网站。 - 2020-07-28 - 收藏Google Adwords广告计划
Google Adwords 广 告 计 划 搜索引擎Google的关键词竞价广告称为AdWords,也称为“赞助商链接”,中文俗称“Google右侧广告”。Google Adwords广告计划包括关键词搜索广告与网页内容广告。[adwords最新优惠活动] 谷歌斥资5000万激励中小企业尝试Adwords计划 谷歌送您500元广告费! 在中国经济回暖的大环境下,中小企业的发展和快速成长倍受关注。Google (谷歌) 作为全球领先的搜索引擎公司制定推出谷歌中小企业激励计划,并提供给您500元免费的Google AdWords (谷歌关键字广告) 费用,希望通过该计划帮助中国的中小企业获得更多的发展机会。 9月7日下午消息,谷歌今日在京宣布一项总额5000万元的中小企业激励计划,将为每一个新注册AdWords账户的用户提供500元营销基金,帮助其启动搜索营销。 谷歌方面介绍,任何新用户,无论行业及业务种类、无论所处地域,只要拨打其免费热线400-810-8070咨询或者访问谷歌指定网站即可申请营销基金。据了解,这一计划约耗资5000万元。 谷歌全球副总裁刘允表示,谷歌推出这一中小企业激励计划,将能够给许多从未尝试过搜索营销的企业,提供新营销方式的机会和资金。 8月中旬,谷歌宣布中国市场正式上线AdWords新界面,与上一版相比,新版本广告系列数据获取更方便,并添加出价模拟等多种新工具。谷歌方面表示,此次新界面将显著降低搜索营销的门槛,让企业可以更深入地探究和分析用户的网络行为,找准营销的切入点。免费咨询热线:400-810-8070我们的热线服务时间为周一至周五早 9:00 至晚 5:30。如果您在服务时间以外拨打我们的电话,请您留言或者填写右侧的申请表格。请认真如实填写信息,以便我们的广告专家可以及时联系您。 Adwords优惠广告费使用条款和条件本优惠(含50元--费用)只适用于Google AdWords新客户(即自主管理账户的广告主,代理公司除外),谷歌现有客户不享受此优惠,客户账户的付款国家需为中国。任何符合条件的新客户,仅可以享受此优惠一次,不能重复申请。如果广告费用没有花费完全或者对广告效果不满意,客户不能申请赎回500元优惠费用。如果客户不希望花费超过优惠费用,请及时暂停广告。根据广告核查规定,客户需进行有效注册并接受本条款和条件,不得转让、--和交换优惠费用。谷歌中国在任何情况下有权收回不合理或者违规账户的优惠费用。该优惠活动有效期(申请优惠时间)至2009年10月31日24:00(按照北京时间),最终解释权归谷歌中国所有。如果您想了解广告主所拥有的权益,请点击这里。谷歌及Google标识为注册商标。 [adwords] 广告计价方式采用CPC计费模式,即广告被用户点击后广告主才为此付费。AdWords进入门槛低,广告客户可全自助投放,也可以通过选择区域和语言版本让广告触及全球潜在用户。AdWords为广告客户提供高度智能化的后台操作和关键词广告管理系统,方便进行广告效果跟踪和优化。AdWords还通过Adsense计划,将客户的关键字广告投放于其它内容相关的网站上,进一步扩大了广告的潜在用户触及范围。 Google AdWords 帐户具有下列所有卓越功能,完全能够适应任何广告客户的要求。 按每次点击费用 (CPC) 定价,您只需按自定的价格支付点击费用(最高每次点击费用的选择范围是从 9 分人民币到 810 元人民币)。 设定每日预算,最低额度为 9分人民币。 设定每日预算,最低额度为 1 美分。 全天候在线查阅帐户中的效果报告 在广告网中的网站和产品上刊登广告以提高展示率。 以一个或多个关键字定位一个或多个广告。 Google AdWords 没有每月最低费用限制,也没有每月最低投放时间要求,而且您只需支付一笔最低费用便可以开立帐户,因此它是中小企业理想的营销工具。AdWords质量得分 05年诞生的AdWords质量得分(quality score)并不是Google独创,除了国内的百度竞价之外,其他搜素引擎的PPC推广计划都有对广告站点质量的考核标准,比如Yahoo Panama的Quality Index ,MSN adCenter的Rank Model,他们和Google的AdWords质量得分只有细节的差别。(个人感觉百度竞价只考虑点击率和单价)。 [1]我们可以理解它为搜素引擎在用户体验和经济利益之间的平衡,那就是虽然你给钱了,但我也要保证你的广告对我的用户有用处。 比如说你的A站点AdWords质量得分为50,竞争对手的AdWords质量得分为100,那么要爬到同样的位置你可能需要支付更高的点击单价。更高的AdWords质量得分意味着同样的Clickbank产品、同样的Landing Page以及同样的转化率,但你的PPC成本支出更低,利润也就更多。Google Adwords成功案例“谷歌为我们带来了第一桶金”第一次投放谷歌广告,只是抱着尝试的态度。但最终的效果却让我感到惊讶,投入的费用产生了3倍的回报,这在旅**业的推广中,是少见的高效。在谷歌的帮助下,公司的成长比预想中要快...商旅会展(北京)有限公司 - 总经理 林鑫建“每50个流量就有一个成单客户”经过我们的粗略统计,谷歌带来的每50个流量中就有1个能转化为一单生意。 我们曾长期依赖于平面媒体推广,每月在杂志上花费约40,000元,却难得见效。从2006年2月...上海富瑞房地产咨询有限公司 - 总经理 富勇“谷歌推动企业突出重围走向国际”投放谷歌关键字广告仅2个月的时间,我们就接到了日本客户的咨询电话,并迅速促成了考察,目前已经成为我们一直合作到现在的长期客户。要吸引国际客户,就应该考虑选择...义乌可可宠物用品有限公司 - 经理 李兆飞 更多成功案例请登陆谷歌Adwords计划官方主页,感谢您对Google Adwords广告计划的支持与信任! - 2020-07-28 - 收藏Google Wave
Google WaveGoogle Wave-分享图片仅仅是个开始,在Wave中还可以分享Google地图、游戏、事件邀请等等。Google Wave is a new tool for communication and collaboration on the web, coming later this year. Watch the demo video below, sign up for updates and learn more about how to develop with Google Wave. LearnGoogle Wave can make you more productive even when you\'re having fun.Take a sneak peek.DevelopLearn how to put waves in your site and build wave extensions with the Google Wave APIs.Visit Wave uses an open protocol, so anyone can build their own wave system. Learn more at Google不仅是将Wave看成一个仅在Google Wave网站上使用的简单网页应用,Google希望用户能在所有站点上使用它。也就是说,假如用户有个博客,他可以通过Wave和其他人进行共享,可以实时传递博客的更新。 不过,博客不是Google想要Wave的唯一内容,几乎一切内容都可以通过Wave进行共享、交互。 虽然目前Wave还不能像Facebook Connect一样,可以允许其他用户进行登录。但Lars Rasmussen表示,他们正在考虑这些功能。此外,Wave还支持实时搜索,将和Twitter应用进行结合。Google的开发团队已经开发了一个叫Twave的工具,该工具可以将Twitter上的更新和Wave进行绑定,用户可以在Twave上处理Twitter里的信息。而更重要是Twave的实时搜索功能,可以实时扫描Twitter的结果,当有新结果出现的时候,会进行实时更新。 从这些可以看出Google的野心,Wave在Google眼里不仅仅是个应用,而是一个通讯平台。 要想成为下一代通讯平台,开发者就显得非常重要,就像Android和iPhone平台一样。周五,Google将向开发者公布Wave的API。Google的意图很明显,就是希望开发者能围绕Wave理念,推出各种工具、插件以及各种有趣的站点。Google还希望Wave能被开发者社区尽可能的接纳,因此,Google计划将Wave进行开源。 总的来说Wave将分三步走:首先是Wave产品,由Google开发,向公众发布;接着是作为一个平台,由开发者提供基于Wave的各种衍生产品;第三步是将Wave开源,让其成为互联网通讯的基本协议,成为互联网通讯的平台。 - 2020-07-28 - 收藏Google App Engine
Google App EngineGoogle App Engine简介:Google App Engine是Google专门为网络程序开发人员提供的平台,目前只支持Python语言,也就是说,你可以用Python语言编写好程序以后,上传到Google的服务器上,然后由 Google来运行程序。Google App Engine以后也会支持更多的编程语言,或许,这个产品将来会支持PHP,ASP。Google App Engine对于程序开发人员应当是很好的消息,因为Google的带宽和服务是绝对没的说。 Google App Engine的每一个免费帐户可以上传500M的内容,并且每月可以有5,000,000 次页面访问。等到发布正式版本以后,Google将会推出付费版本的Google App Engine来享有更多的空间和最大访问量。另外,Google App Engine是支持域名绑定的,这一点也很诱人。Google App Engine的英文介绍:What Is Google App Engine?Google App Engine lets you run your web applications on Google\'s infrastructure. App Engine applications are easy to build, easy to maintain, and easy to scale as your traffic and data storage needs grow. With App Engine, there are no servers to maintain: You just upload your application, and it\'s ready to serve your users.You can serve your app using a free domain name on the domain, or use Google Apps to serve it fro m your own domain. You can share your application with the world, or limit access to members of your organization.App Engine costs nothing to get started. Sign up for a free account, and you can develop and publish your application for the world to see, at no charge and with no obligation. A free account can use up to 500MB of persistent storage and enough CPU and bandwidth for about 5 million page views a month.During the preview release of Google App Engine, only free accounts are available. In the near future, you will be able to purchase additional computing resources. - 2020-07-28 - 收藏
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