Outdoor Research官网
1980年,美国物理学家Ron Gregg在麦金利峰登山时遭遇困境,他的登山同伴因为使用了设计非常糟糕的雪套而被冰雪侵入高山靴,腿脚冻伤的程度越来越严重。同伴最终被直升飞机救走,登山行动中止,但Ron立刻开始想办法解决这一问题,以免悲剧在将来重演。于是,一款实用、保暖的雪套–X-Gaiter诞生了,它可以配合各种登山靴使用。随着X-Gaiter产品的面世,Outdoor Research公司(以下简称OR)也于1981年成立。正如OR的名称含义,此后二十多年中,Ron一直专注于为户外运动爱好者在野外遭遇到的各种难题研究解决方案和提供实用的、功能性的装备,如他早期研发的防结冰水瓶Water Bottle Parka和首款户外探险急救软包。在公司成立后的第一个十年间,因为大力开发户外手套、帽子、雪套,OR得以快速成长。1984年,Modular Mitts无指手套再次在业界引起轰动,尼龙搭扣固定的Moonlite Pile抓绒衬里,GORE-TEX外壳,防止手套遗失的“傻瓜吊绳”,适应多变环境选择的多功能性设计使其超越了当时的其他无指手套,多天行动的攀登者从此可以在夜里烘干手套里衬,而在白天开始攀登操作时就能戴上干燥手套了。在80年代中期问世的Seattle Sombrero防雨宽边帽,是OR最畅销的GORE-TEX面料帽子,成为至今仍在生产的经典产品。1988年问世的Brooks Ranger Overboots全雪套,二十年来一直陪伴众多探险者挑战世界高峰和极地严寒环境。Outdoor Research官网地址
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searchengineguide——Learn common sense search engine marketing, viral marketing and customer outreach via social media and blogs. A free resource for small business.searchengineguide,news——Good workout music?fro m Matt Cutts: Gadgets, Google, and SEO July 27, 2009Okay, so I registered for a sprint triathlon (400m swim, 11 mile bike, 3.1 mile run) in August. Maybe that will turn out to be a really stupid idea, but I\'m going to see if I can at least finish. So I need some good workout music, because ..Google Analytics seminar in Indiafro m Inside AdWords July 24, 2009For those of you reading the blog in India, we\'re hosting a Google Analytics Conversion University Seminar at the Google Gurgaon, India office on August 8th, 2009. Google Conversion University is an open event for anyone interested in learn..Location extensions, a new way to run local adsfro m Inside AdWords July 24, 2009Today, we\'d like to tell you about a new way to run your local ads – location extensions. Location extensions allow you to \"extend\" your AdWords campaigns by dynamically attaching your business address to your ads. This new feature will be..Now We\'re Really Tweetingfro m Google Analytics Blog July 24, 2009A few weeks ago , we mentioned some Google Analytics and Website Optimizer focused tweets that you can follow. Well now, as you can see if you glance over to the \"Subscribe\" section on the right, we\'ve got an official Google Analytics Twit..Twitter 101 for Business Releasedfro m Maria Reyes-McDavis | Web Success Diva July 24, 2009Twitter announced yesterday, the release of a special guide for business, Twitter 101 . The special, online guide is written by Twitter and Sarah Milstein — and to my surprise it\'s a valuable resource for anyone looking at Twitter as..Mobile Coupons Offer Multiple Benefitsfro m Search Engine Watch July 24, 2009Consumers love the cost savings of mobile coupons. Marketers love their many benefits. Mobile coupons are an inexpensive way to take advantage of what works in mobile marketing today. ... Is Yellow Journalism the New Color of Content?fro m Search Engine Watch July 24, 2009There seems to be a trend in being sensational lately, and not just by the lesser bloggers and reporters. Yes, online competition is fierce, but there should also be some responsibility. ... Inside...Google Ad Managerfro m Inside AdSense July 23, 2009In March 2008, we launched Google Ad Manager, our ad management solution for publishers with small direct sales teams. Following the rapid growth of this product, we\'re excited to announce that we\'re now devoting a new blog to Ad Manager at..Geo-Targeting Isn\'t Just for Local Businesses Anymorefro m Search Engine Watch July 23, 2009Most search advertisers use geo-targeted campaigns only if they have a local business, or are running a local promotion or event. While those are great uses for geo-targeting, it can also offer some significant advantages in your other PPC ..Link Marketing Opportunities in Your Backyardfro m Search Engine Watch July 23, 2009You may have spent a lot of time looking far and wide for links to your Web site. But are you overlooking opportunities in your home town? ... Conversion Optimizer is now available to more campaignsfro m Inside AdWords July 22, 2009We\'re excited to announce that Conversion Optimizer , an AdWords CPA (cost per acquisition) bidding feature is available to more campaigns. Any campaign with at least 15 conversions in the last 30 days is now eligible to use Conversion Opt..3 out of 5 Search Influence Employees Don’t Even Own a Print Phone Bookfro m Website Promotion is not Voodoo July 22, 2009In conversation one day, I mentioned to Will that for what we charge some of our clients, I can put a real value on it when I compare it to yellow pages spending. And what I mean by that is for what a plastic surgeon or a dentist or a wed..Baidu -- A Sleeping Giant Awakensfro m Search Engine Watch July 22, 2009Baidu is the search engine of choice for the Chinese people, but will it stay on top after some dramatic changes? The new Baidu Professional Edition will likely impact short-term advertising results for the sake of better long-term relevanc..Your Baby Is Uglyfro m Search Engine Watch July 22, 2009After launching a landing page optimization project, you inevitably will find chinks in the armor of your beautiful and perfect creations. Before fixing anything, you have to let go of your ego and acknowledge that your baby is ugly. ... Using Google Analytics to determine your Demographic Bidding strategyfro m Google Analytics Blog July 21, 2009One of the coolest new features in Google AdWords is the ability to target different demographics using demographic bidding. This allows you to adjust your bidding strategy based on your target audience and how each demographic group conve..
www.searchengineguide.com - 2020-08-05 - 收藏Kellysearch B2B product search engine
Find US suppliers with the Kellysearch B2B product search engine Use the Kellysearch B2B product search engine to find US industrial goods and services suppliers. Kellysearch currently has 600,000 suppliers listed in the United States.
www.kellysearch.com - 2020-07-19 - 收藏Ark.com(Search For People)
Ark.comArk is a registered trademark of Ark.com, Inc. The information provided by Ark is for informational purposes only. For more information, please see our terms of use. The logos used on Ark are registered trademarks of those respective companies, including Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Myspace, Orkut, VK and Renren, are not affiliated with Ark, or Ark.com, Inc. Four Features About Ark.com:Find new peopleSearch 1 billion+ people based on more than 30 filters, such as location, high school, college, employment, interests, and more.Find old classmatesArk is the best way to find and re-connect with old high school and college friends.Expand your networkFind and connect with experts and expand your business network.Search your friendsQuickly search many qualities about your friends on your social networks.
ark.com - 2020-07-19 - 收藏Citron Research Website
Citron Research WebsiteWho is Citron Research?Posted in by CitronResearch on the June 27th, 2011 Citron Research has been publishing columns for over 10 years, making it one of the longest-running online stock commentary websites. With over 150 reports, Citron has amassed a track record identifying fraud and terminal business models second to none among any published source. All previous reports are available in the Archives tab on this site. It is obvious that the vast preponderance of companies ( but not all – so who’s perfect? ) covered in the archived reports performed poorly as investments. Readers are welcome to compile their own track records and draw their own conclusions.The goal of this website is and has always been to provide truthful information in an entertaining format to the investing public. Our goal has never been to engage in “gotcha” journalism. Readers are always encouraged to consider this and all information available regarding any potential investments, to seek professional assistance as necessary, and to draw their own conclusions.Citron Research represents the work of a team of investigators, led by Andrew Left. Mr. Left is a private investor with 17 years trading experience. Mr. Left has been quoted in every major US financial publication, including Forbes, Fortune, Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, CNBC, Investors’ Business Daily, and Business Week, as well as numerous Chinese media.It has always been the mission of Citron Research to keep the focus on the message and not the messenger. However, as questions invariably arise as to the source of controversial public postings, the following is offered.Public Records and LibelEighteen years ago, when Mr. Left was 22 and just out of college, responding to an add to “earn $100,000” he took his first job, albeit for a brief span of months, working for a commodities trading firm (Universal Commodity Corporation) making cold calls. Several years later, the firm and a long list of its employees were sanctioned by the regulatory arm of the NFA (National Futures Association). Having permanently exited the business of selling investments years prior, he did not contest the civil sanctions imposed upon his further activities in that business. a petty dispute with a drycleaner. The charges were subsequently dropped.Neither of these events, nor any others, have resulted in any form of criminal prosecution or conviction. Yet references are predictably posted on public message boards in an attempt to discredit Mr. Left and/or Citron’s writings. It is Mr. Left’s opinion that the public is welcome to weigh these facts and all other information when considering the validity of Citron Research’s public postings. Citron believes everyone is entitled to exercise his or her First Amendment rights. However, intentionally and falsely accusing any person of having been convicted of a crime is itself a criminal offense, and subject to civil and criminal penalties. When ad hominem attacks go over the line into libel and slander, they will be vigorously prosecuted.Mr. Left has been sued four times by companies claiming a variety of damages as a consequence of his postings. Mr. Left has prevailed in all four of these suits. In one of the cases, GTX Global vs Left, the California Appeals Court, awarded him legal fees, while affirming the broad protection provided by California’s Anti-SLAPP law to public internet posters on topics of public interest.
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上海艺赛旗软件股份有限公司(i-Search)成立于2011年,已获得包括通鼎集团、上海锐合资本、上海国际创投、东证资本等著名投资机构注资,并于2016年8月成功登陆新三板(证券代码 839025),是一家专业从事智能软件研发及技术服务的高新技术企业、上海市双软企业。同时,艺赛旗也是中国人工智能产业发展联盟会员企业之一。公司总部位于上海,研发中心位于南京,并在北京、深圳等地设立了分支机构,业务辐射全国,可为国内企业提供完善的本地化服务。公司主要战略及技术方向为RPA(Robotic Process Automation)机器人流程自动化及UEBA(User and Entity Behavior Analytics )用户实体行为分析。 艺赛旗是中国首家提供RPA产品的专业厂商。iS-RPA机器人是艺赛旗独立研发,并拥有自主知识产权的RPA产品,iS-RPA以纯粹自动化的形式,快速高效地帮助企业完成各种流程化工作,在显著降低成本的同时,更是带来工作效率的质级提升。截止目前,艺赛旗服务的客户包括:金融、通信运营商、政务、制造业、教育、服务业等众多领域200余名客户,艺赛旗以优异的产品质量和完善的本地化服务,受到了客户的一致好评!㊤нопрст学
www.i-search.com.cn - 2020-05-04 - 收藏Search Engine Land
Search Engine Land is a must read hub for news and information about search engine marketing, optimization and how search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Microsoft Live.com and Ask.com work for searchers.
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