It all starts here… the health of your patient’s mouth depends on you!
Fight the plaque by brushing away those nasty bits of food before it’s too late. To keep your patients' teeth clean and healthy, simply swipe your finger across the screen, cutting through those stubborn foods before they get away. But be careful to avoid the toothpaste as it is there to help you get those sparkling clean results and swiping it away will cost you time.
This dental hygiene game provides hours of fun and gives lots of top tips, helping you to defend yourself against the build-up of food and harmful bacteria.
- Hit more than three foods and receive combo points
- Collect the perfect score and achieve three smileys
- 10 Patients to attend to
- Beat your high score
Brush your teeth for two minutes twice daily to keep them clean and healthy!
Mad Mouths is brought to you by FDI World Dental Federation.
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Gancho Tortuga66.1 MB
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