Stay up to date leading up to the big event. Then use the app to journey through the QuestFest this summer!
What exactly is this QUEST?
The “Quest” in QuestFest stands for our main event, which is an epic scavenger hunt through the Historic District of Savannah, GA! The twist? Both competitive and noncompetitive teams are after experiences and not items. Using a smart phone, groups will choose challenges, submit photographic evidence and receive points via our new QuestFest app. The more creative a submission, the more points awarded, so be sure to think outside of the box because the winning team will take home cash! The best part of the whole thing? The challenges, which we’re calling Quests, are designed with Girl Scout values in mind, so while we’re having fun, we’ll be making the world a better place too!
The Quests will be top secret until the event kicks off, but there’s a few things you can do to prepare:
- Make sure that at least one team member has a smart phone with data or WiFi capabilities.
- One or two people from your team will need to be familiar with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
- It’s all about strategy! The teams that win have a good plan in place. Although your team can’t really decide on a plan of attack until the Quest starts, leaders and parents can start thinking about how they want to facilitate a strategy session with their girls.
- Remember to have fun! This is ultimately about the girls having an unforgettable experience. We hope that QuestFest will unleash her inner G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)™.
Q.TRIS - solar power puzzle143.6 MB
Paper Head77 MB
Javelin Fighting: The Spearman108.1 MB
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