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网友网易驷马评价说: 致敬ye。细节很多,玩法就是经典单机像素

网友BiteMe-评价说: Kanye the goat。I just love it and the animations are great

网友ju h g f g评价说: q。第二关咋过

Join Lil Ye as he explores five brand new worlds full of colour, music, coins, enemies and adventure.

Work your way from the streets below to the clouds above, get pumped at the gym, explore the heartbreak hotel and its heartless basement and try to survive the interactive art installations of the runaway gallery.

Thanks to all those that supported the Kickstarter campaign and made this game a possibility!
More info: http://www.lil-ye.com

‎Lil Ye Land 下载地址

