As a citizen of the Kid X city, you have answered the call to help your community. As your journey begins you are tasked with missions from different government departments. To be successful and earn your stars, you will have to learn about the roles of these different departments in our society. Help solve problems by working with each department and make the city a happier place for everybody!
بصفتك مواطناً في مدينة Kid X، فقد أجبت على الدعوة لمساعدة مجتمعك. عندما تبدأ رحلتك يتم تكليفك بمهام من مختلف الدوائر الحكومية. لكي تكون ناجحًا وكسب نجومك ، يجب أن تتعلم أدوار هذه الأقسام المختلفة في مجتمعنا. المساعدة في حل المشكلات من خلال العمل مع كل قسم وجعل المدينة مكانًا أكثر سعادة للجميع!
Game Features:
- Learn the roles of different departments in your community through over 20 missions, and discover many more objectives as you explore the city!
- Complete challenges unlocking as many achievements as you can.
- Compete with other players for your spot on the leaderboard!
- Invest your coins into upgrading your cars, spray gun and even the city itself!
While on your journey to learn, clean up the streets and complete your collection of pets.
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