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Game Time is a digital game timer. The visual design has been made by a tournament chess player to ensure maximum efficiency and minimal distraction.

There are five different types of game clocks available.
* Standard: Both players get a certain amount of time for the whole game.
* Fischer: After playing a move and pressing the clock the time of the player is increased by a certain amount of time called the delay time.
* Bronstein: Like the Fischer clock, but the time is increased by no more than the thinking time for that move.
* Simple Delay: The clock only starts running after the delay time has passed.
* Hour Glass: The time used by one player is added to the clock of the other player. So, the sum of both clocks stays constant.

Independent of the clock type you can set the initial time of the clock. Either both players get the same amount of time, or you can set the initial time for each player separately.

For the Fischer, Bronstein and Simple Delay clock you can also set the delay time. Also this value can be set either per player, or one value for both players.


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