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网友Last 0rder评价说: 很有意思与价值的棋,感谢作者将其做出。和五子棋一样简单的规则,其变化与复杂度却远超同比例围棋,真希望这种棋能发扬光大。

网友一个伸手党评价说: 小而精的游戏。免费,好玩,不过身边很少见到有人玩这个

网友BulkyShark评价说: 超棒的游戏。居然更新了,十分期待!

"Quoridor.II" is a turn-based strategy board game.
To win the game, you have to move your pawn to the opposite site faster than your opponent. Meanwhile, you can place the wall strategically to block your opponents, or to block a potentially offensive block.
In this game, you can play with a second player or a computer AI. You can go through the how-to-play through the Help button to have a better understanding before getting started.

To allow you to have a better game analysis in the vs PC Mode(and to solve the wall misplacement), the Undo feature is added.

An Online Challenge mode is available. But every move in the Online Challenge mode is required within 60 seconds.
Kindly help us improve by rating us. Your feedback is highly appreciated.
Important note:
a) To move a pawn, simply tap the shadow.
b) To move and place the wall, TOUCH and DRAG it at the same time
b) You may only use Undo when it is your turn

This is a fanmade game based on Quoridor.

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