Hallmark Cards
Send e-cards, personalized cards, photo cards, cards with sound, invitations and announcements for birthdays and more. See special offers and the latest cards, gifts, wrap and ornaments at Hallmark stores.
www.hallmark.com - 2010-10-19 - 收藏E-Cards
hundreds of photos and animations to choose from for online greetings. Great cards for birthdays and other special occasions. Every card you send helps support nature and the environment.
www.e-cards.com - 2010-01-09 - 收藏Regards.com
The web's largest collection of free greeting cards including free birthday ecards, animated e-cards, and free holiday ecards.
www.regards.com - 2010-01-09 - 收藏Flashcards
Create, study, print, share and download millions of flashcards.
www.flashcardexchange.com - 2010-01-09 - 收藏网易贺卡
cards.163.com - 2010-01-09 - 收藏
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